Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sophies World

1. I always find myself thinking about who I would be with a different name. Would people think of me differently or would people see me as the same. Does power sometime come with names. I feel like your name is your identity it is the first thing people think of when they think of you.

2.One of the larger themes of Sophie's World is that everyone of all ages should ask questions that normally we don'd. Don't just take things for what people say they are but explore what our senses and our perceptions tell us what it is.

3. Gaarder keeps telling us about how we are reading a book about characters in a book that is being read by a girl who is being written about in Gaarder's own book.
4. I think that  he wrote to her to make her aware of philosophy. He believed that we can be better if we ask questions and think about things.
5. Gaarder values free will which is the apparent ability of agents to make choices. free from certain kinds of constraints. Another thing that I believe he values is curiosity. We should question not only our existence but why other things are here in the world.
6. Sophie is under the illusion that she has free will but really she doesn't. She is being written about in a book and her path was made before her and that there is nothing that she is able to do about it.
7. The book says that imagination is a good thing. It opens up the mind to new ideas and new places. You can do anything you want in your imagination. People as they grow older start to lose their imagination and imagination makes things alot more fun.
9. A funny passage in Sophies world is when her and Alberto are trying to get the computer to work. They have this technology people today know how to use it but it is hard for them to do. They keep telling it to search things but the computer doesn't understand what they are saying.

10. A world means different things to different people. To Plato  the world is a trustworthy place aand that it strives to be ideal, perfect, and complete.
14. He critisizes philosophhy when he talks about Socrates . People think that vast amount of knowledge is the most important thing when considering philosophy. But what Socrates says is "The only thing I know is that I know nothing". 
15. The origins of Gaarder's criticism comes from Socrates teachings and that in philosophy people only care about how much they know.
16.I believe that he presents the information on the philosophers in a linear view. It showed how each philosopher built off each other through time.
17. pg 355 The author exhibits the symbolish of the Hegal river of philosophy progressing through time. 
18. pg 426 2nd paragraph. "Evolution has a direction...across the aeons of time". Evolutions was supposed to happen. It was our fate to go through evolution and become humans. Our brain has evolved this way for survival.

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